Meet Your Spring Snow Goose Guide

Our Promise as a Snow Goose Guide...

After 20 plus years of decoying snow geese up and down the Mississippi and Central Flyways, we have decided it was time to start our own spring snow goose guide business. 

We have plenty of guiding experience over the last 30 years and know what it takes to put people under massive flocks of migrating snow geese.

This business is founded to provide a personal guided experience. We are not going to spend 3 months running as many clients as we can with 10 spreads set per day. 

We focus on our 2 spreads, as well as our clients, to ensure everyone is enjoying their snow goose hunt!

Prairie Tornado Snow Goose Guide


We've got more years of experience decoying snow geese than other outfitters and a personal touch to make it matter to you! When you book with us as your next snow goose guide in South Dakota, you will be our sole focus. We will do everything we can to make sure you never forget your snow goose hunting experience! 

Our Guiding History

Yes, we are a relatively new guide service but we are not new to the game of spring snow goose hunting. We've been decoying snow geese for 20+ years!! 

Our knowledge gained over the last couple of decades allows us to use the weather, the calendar, and our connections to predict migration patterns and timing that makes us a premier snow goose outfitter. 

When we started decoying snow geese, Texas rags and silhouettes were about the only large quantity decoy options on the market. 

We spent the early years designing and perfecting windsock decoys and then taking them to the field to test them out. The first years we ran up and down Eastern South Dakota from the first day the snows entered the state to the last day before they headed north to Canada and we never saw another decoy spread. 

Today, we still run up and down Eastern South Dakota as well as other states and our neighboring country to the north The only difference is how we see multiple decoys spreads in a ten or twenty mile radius in some areas. We thought snow geese were tough when no one else tried to decoy them; boy were we wrong!

When the snow goose hunting craze exploded it changed the game. Now birds get pressured from the time they hit the prairies of Canada after leaving their breeding grounds all the way to their wintering grounds in Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas and back. 

We learned to adapt; coming up with new approaches, improving equipment, and more studying. We cannot guarantee that every day will be fantastic decoying but we will put our approach, equipment, and knowledge up against anyone else in the industry and you won't regret choosing us as your spring snow goose guide.

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